贝纳利博物馆修葺一新 重新开放
One year after the beginning of renovationswork, the Benelli Museum of Pesaro reopens its doors to all fans of two wheels.The opening ceremony was held on Saturday, May 17th, in the historic buildinglocated in Goffredo Mameli 22 avenue, in Pesaro.The ceremony was attended by hundreds fans of Benelli and by the mayor ofPesaro, Luca Ceriscioli, the president of the Registro Storico Benelli, PaoloProsperi , the president of the Moto Club Benelli, Paolo Fontana and the presidentof ASI, Roberto Loi.
修复工作历时一年,位于意大利佩萨罗的贝纳利博物馆重新向车迷们开放。开馆典礼于5月17日星期六,在位于佩萨罗Goffredo Mameli 22大街的历史性建筑内举行。出席典礼的有数百名贝纳利各时期的车迷朋友,以及佩萨罗市长Luca Ceriscioli,贝纳利Registro Storico主席Paolo Prosperi,贝纳利摩托俱乐部主席Paolo Fontana和ASI主席Roberto Loi。
A priceless heritage is finally came back inthe hands of the all fans of Leoncino Company. In the Museum have beenrestored over 1000 square meters of the roof, the exterior facades and interiorpart of the rooms. On display there is all the pre-war production of Benelli,including some special 175cc, 250cc and 500cc of the 30s and a Molaroni bike.In the Musem there is also a big area dedicated to new production of Benelli Q.J.
For the occasion, also an exclusive librarydedicated to Paolo Albini Ricciòli, illustrious press officer of Benelli andMotoBi, was inaugurated. The renovation of the Museum Benelli will alsocontinue until the end of the year, in the last part of the building, where theentire production Benelli, MotoBi and other motorcycle manufacturers of MarcheRegion will be exposed.
还有一个贝纳利和MotoBi新闻发言人Paolo Albini Ricciòli致力于的专门的图书馆开馆。贝纳利博物馆的修复工作还将持续到年底,这最后的一部分里将展出贝纳利,MotoBi 和Marche区域的其它摩托车制造商的所有产品,我们也十分期待他们容光焕发,让具有百年历史的贝纳利继续熠熠生辉,光彩照人。